Bouleversements climatiques, révolutions numériques, transitions énergétiques, explosion démographique… : l’humanité vit aujourd’hui un tournant de son histoire. Ce qu’il en sortira? Nul ne le sait. Mais une chose est sûre. Pour inventer l’avenir, il est urgent d’être optimiste.

En 2018, la Fondation ENGIE accompagne ceux qui se battent pour créer un monde plus harmonieux.

Plus que jamais, elle soutient les ONG, les associations et les personnalités engagées en faveur de l’environnement et de la biodiversité. Plus que jamais, elle teste des solutions, avec ses partenaires, pour offrir un monde plus juste où tous, même les plus déshérites, pourront trouver des raisons d’espérer.

Partout dans le monde, de l’Afrique à l’Asie, en passant par l’Amérique et l’Europe, la Fondation ENGIE initie et soutient les projets les plus audacieux et innovants. A l’heure où l’humanité entre dans une nouvelle ère, nous croyons en effet que le courage et la créativité sont les pièces maîtresses pour préparer l’avenir de notre planète.

Focus on Quality

In an ideal world this text wouldn’t exist, a client would acknowledge the importance of having web copy before the design starts. Needless to say it’s very important, content is king and people are beginning to understand that. However, back over in reality some project schedules and budgets don’t allow for web copy to be written before the design phase, this is sad but true. We’re here to help, we’ve written examples of web copy for over 40 industries for you to use at concept phase of your projects to bring a little life and realism to your designs and help you think about who and what you are designing for. We want clients and designers alike to think about their graphic design.

In an ideal world this text wouldn’t exist, a client would acknowledge the importance of having web copy before the design starts. Needless to say it’s very important, content is king and people are beginning to understand that. However, back over in reality some project schedules and budgets don’t allow for web copy to be written before the design phase, this is sad but true. We’re here to help, we’ve written examples of web copy for over 40 industries for you to use at concept phase of your projects to bring a little life and realism to your designs and help you think about who and what you are designing for. We want clients and designers alike to think about their graphic design.

Our Factory

In an ideal world this text wouldn’t exist, a client would acknowledge the importance of having web copy before the design starts. Needless to say it’s very important, content is king and people are beginning to understand that. However, back over in reality some project schedules and budgets don’t allow for web copy to be written before the design phase, this is sad but true. We’re here to help, we’ve written examples of web copy for over 40 industries for you to use at concept phase of your projects to bring a little life and realism to your designs and help you think about who and what you are designing for. We want clients and designers alike to think about their graphic design.